Keith: A Service Desk Diary ver. 1.0

Life was good.
Accepted into former HP company was good.

Needed to get through training to understand basic troubleshooting and what I would be doing for technical stuff.

Then there came the hard part: Japanese language mastery > SONKEIGo!

I was asked to do role plays with my buddy; everyday that is possible. Sitting on the same area with the other Japanese speakers is really intimidating.

You know your own level of Japanese language mastery, but these people, they don't even asked the users to repeat their problems, doesn't flinch even once the whole day, speaking like it IS their native language. Sumpah pressure, but know what? They also started like me.

Inexperienced, nerves can really get into your head. The wordings might get scattered, you'll lose focus once you are given a twist in handling the case. For me the hardest is to find out you don't have enough access during the call! XD

Believe me, this is the easiest job if you can cheat it with shortcuts and fast thinking. Just sitting, 9 hours max, if got no shift then Saturday and Sunday sure offday - you'll just get into work went calls are in, home is a real home, no need to bring home some works.

But sure, with these pros, there must be cons.

You won't explore much career growth if you don't explore. You might get to be raised ito higher levels; more technical abilites in Level 2 Support, then Local On Site support -> super great position if you get this! Or you can go to management, Team Leader, Line Manager etc.

So where do I see myself?

Im going to be super honest.
This is just a part time job, a very high paying one lohh.
Very volatile, can be transferred immediately if the company failed to win
the next contract with the client companies.
My real job is: A husband, son and a father to my incoming babies.

The money, skills I gained through work is to improve my communication, listening and solving attributes; at home I'll macro manage, switching roles constantly, learn to make decisions that will not hurt anyone except me (yes, a husband need to sacrifice ;)), learn to love eventho your wife or child might make you get super angry.

Well, man makes our wife angry to us too. Just be patience and considerable towards each other.

I truly believe working as a Service Desk can increase our abilties to understand and speak effectively. Communications become a part of our life. It improves, and it will always make us a better person as we'll handle various people from various background. Emotionally and intellectually.

Thats all for today. Have a good weekend and good friday!

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